Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Tim Keller on Idols (and Parenting)

Keller, yesterday at the Gospel Coalition conference, preached on idolatry. He said a few things that were quite helpful. On idolatry, he says that it is really "anything I look at and say 'If I have that, my life has value.'" He lists a few idols that are prevalent today:
  • Money can be an idol, especially in the business world. Everyone recognizes this as the idol of Wall Street. (All over New York City, child sacrifice is going on. If you want to succeed, you have to sacrifice your family. If you're going to get the money and power, you must sacrifice your children. Jobs are set up that way.) How do you do your job without bowing down to it—how do you demythologize money? Only by living in the gospel.
  • Romance is another idol. This is when you look to your lover or spouse for worth. Only they can make you feel valuable. You cannot lose this person. People who have a good marriage must constantly fight this idol, constantly looking to Jesus and finding their satisfaction in Jesus more than their spouse.
  • Self-expression is an idol of the artistic community.
  • Children can be idolized when you find your significance and meaning in your children. You know you're worth something if your children turn out well.
I was really convicted by that last one. Especially in New England, it is very easy for Christian parents to believe along with everybody else that what is most important is the education of our kids. While Massachusetts might have the best schools in America (public, private, universities), what has happened is that it has created a culture in which parents have become child-centric. We will do literally anything for them to succeed. Keller says that this is not virtuous, it is idolatrous.