Saturday, September 20, 2008

Tough Times for the Wealthy

Below the fold in this morning's WSJ, there's an article on what the wealthy in NY are sacrificing as they face financial uncertainty. It reads:
A nose job in a hospital with a private nurse in attendance had been something of a rite of passage for Joan Asher's children. But when her fourth and last child was ready for her own rhinoplasty recently, Ms. Asher asked her to postpone it.

The financial markets were simply more out of whack than her 16-year-old's proboscis.

"The other noses were more prominent," the stay-at-home mother from a tony New York City suburb in Westchester County told her 16-year-old daughter. She could get hers done when things settled down.
If it weren't so sad, it would be laughable. Read the whole thing.