Wednesday, September 3, 2008

I Learned Grace From My Daughter

I don't like everyone. Amazingly enough, there are people that I just don't get along with. But this is often a struggle for me. Should I like everyone? I used to conclude, no. Until I had a daughter.

My daughter does not discriminate. The grace in her tiny heart overflows toward everyone. Everyone. She'll give her giant smile to the worst, the ugliest, the lamest, the lowest. All that matters to her is that you smile back. My favorite game is to hold her up in the air over my shoulder and watch her as people pass by. Even though she can't talk yet, she does everything she can to get their attention. She wants to be their friend! I am convinced she would give even Hitler a smile.

That is how Christ looks upon us. Ugly, lowly, horrible. He still smiles. It was his joy to go to the cross for us.

And so I pray for the grace of my daughter. I pray that I fly beyond my pettiness, my emptiness, and give my smile to all people.


Anonymous said...

Seems like we need some pictures to illustrate these stories . . .