Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Taking Advice from Strangers on an Unplanned Pregnancy

They say it takes a village. Or, at least today, an online posting community.

Read the heartbreaking story of a young woman named Emmie who found herself pregnant and confused. To clear things up, she decided to go find her answers in a public venue, getting advice from anyone who had access to a computer. There are three posts, Part One, Part Two and Part Three.

I'll try to write on this later.


Anonymous said...

horrible and sad

nathan cookston said...

wow Ryan...by far the saddest, most painful post I have read in a long time. I want to scream out in the coffee shop that I sit as I read this post. The depth and pure sinisterness of sin and selfishness is beyond my comprehension. We (I) are a wicked generation. Abortion is our holocaust.

Ryan Phelps said...

What is breathtaking about the whole thing is that Emmie made the decision, as far as I can tell, 'calmly and coolly.'

"Once I came to the decision to terminate the pregnancy, so much of the guilt and sadness I’d been feeling melted away. I felt happy for the first time since finding out and I feel like my family is supportive of my decision. I’m focusing on the child I’ll have in a few years from now with someone I feel safe with and supported by. The life of that child will be infinitely better than this one and, sometimes, I wonder if such a miserable, lonely woman could even have a healthy child."

That is not a rash statement. She knows exactly what she is doing. Outside of the work of the spirit, outside of the grace of God, we will, as you say, continue to be a wicked generation.