Saturday, April 18, 2009


Check out this CT interview with Newt Gingrich, the smartest government/politics guy in the world. On marriage and abortion:
Can you give a political assessment of where we are headed on abortion and same-sex marriage?

I think on traditional marriage, it's likely to be a long, complex struggle with the courts making it, I think, worse, because they are intervening without regard to popular opinion. On the case of right-to-life, I think the cause of the right-to-life community is gaining ground, because I think as people look at more and more advanced technology, all of the underlying assumptions that were at the heart of Roe v. Wade simply fall apart. Roe v. Wade is based on viability of life, and life, of course, is now viable at a very, very early age. Once you start getting into questions of Is it a baby or not?, people get much shakier about their belief that you ought to have the right to abort a baby than they were 30 years ago.
On a related note, my friend, a few years back, saw Newt in an airport. Star-struck, he walked up to him and said, because e had nothing better to say, "Keep up the good work Newt!"