Saturday, February 7, 2009

Facebook is Five

Facebook is a relatively new online communication tool. It was only launched five years ago. But, goodness, how it has grown. It boasts 150 million active users. Al Mohler and Mark Galli reflect on the anniversary.

Having been an active member for about a half a year now, I am still unsure of the whole thing. Is it good or bad? Beyond the matters of privacy and Big Brother looking into my business, is it a good way to communicate? Is it healthy, edifying, and helpful? Saying things with any sort of equivocation is annoying, but necessary here. Facebook is good and bad.

Three things I like about Facebook:

1. I consider it an "Active Rolodex." I am able to keep in touch with people I never would communicate with otherwise. This is especially important with those who don't yet know Jesus.
2. I do like to see what is going on, day-to-day, in the lives of my friends.
3. It is a great way to get word out about events and personal updates (I am, right now, getting periodic updates from a friend whose wife is about ready to give birth).

Three things that are annoying about Facebook:

1. Facebook friendship is shallow friendship and not true community.
2. Micro-blogging (status updates) tends to be narcissistic.
3. Big Brother could be watching. And Big Brother, I have discovered, includes Facebook itself. They can use most anything you post (comments, pictures, etc.) for their own use.

What do you like/dislike about Facebook? In what ways is it good/bad?