Friday, October 24, 2008

On the Husband's Yes, and the Wife's No

DG just started taping to video the Ask Pastor John (Piper) episodes. It is possible that I have benefited more from his off-the-cuff answers to questions than his books or sermons. He answers questions extemporaneously better than most people, including slimy politicians. The Q&A recorded below will hopefully prove to be extremely helpful to those who believe that the husband is the leader of the family, but also that his role is not meant to be dictatorial:

On a related note, check out the article in the WSJ entitled "Who Wears the Pants." The conclusion from the research cited is interesting:
The general consensus of sociologists is that, whereas a woman's marital satisfaction is dependent on a combination of economic, emotional and psychological realities, a man's marital satisfaction is most determined by one factor: how happy his wife is. When she is happy, he is. Working within this framework, most husbands are unwilling to dig in their heels on any issue unless they have a tremendous incentive to do so.
HT: Challies