Wednesday, February 11, 2009

So Many Links, So Little Time

Too many things to post, too little time. Here are some tidbits that deserve your attention:

The Roman Catholic Church has brought back indulgences. Yea!

Casey Luskin editorializes the 200th anniversary of Darwin Day.

Is my repentance genuine? Pastor John answers.

Boy breaks into zoo, feeds animals to crocs.

John Piper likes football.

UK teens like porn a bit too much.

Watch out for the car washes in Easthampton, MA.

The worst song. Ever.

It doesn't matter if you don't like a particular doctrine.

A racist repents.

So does an ex-porn star. Praise the Lord:


Anonymous said...

On indulgences - here are a few of my favorite quotes:

There are partial indulgences, which reduce purgatorial time by a certain number of days or years, and plenary indulgences, which eliminate all of it, UNTIL ANOTHER SIN IS COMMITED. (There is a limit of one plenary indulgence per sinner per day.)

Catholic could receive an indulgence . . . by fulfilling the basic requirements: going to confession, receiving holy communion, saying a prayer for the pope and achieving “complete detachment from any inclination to sin.”

And you wonder why I'm so screwed up.